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The first weekday in September is a day that signifies a new beginning. Teachers and children are back to school, Students are starting a new year at university, and a multitude of people are starting a new Job. Joe Santry is one of them. Find out how his first day went.
You must have felt it this morning? Things were different, something had changed. Things were... normal. 
From the 27th July to the 1st August, Christian Jobs attended the Naturally Supernatural event being held at the Stafford Showground. Read about our experience.

Its been a long time since I've experienced the "back to school" feeling. Though this is true, I have found that every September has a fresh start feeling about it. Even when I've worked through the whole summer without a holiday every September's the same. I begin to review the last eight months, dust myself off and prepare to finish the year strong, and I know I'm not the only one.

I love New Years. I gear up for it by creating vision boards, thinking of "words for the year" and seeking Gods voice on what I have to look forward to and prepare for. The whole New Year process really excites me! New Year provides us with a renewed sense of focus and excitement in the possibilities. It feels like the moments before the curtains open at the theatre. The overture is playing and setting a scene that has not yet been experienced, but you know it's about to be. Hope levels are so high at that time of year but then the inevitable happens.

Earlier this year Jonathan Bellamy from Cross Rhythms spoke with managing partner, James Everall. Here is that conversation.
Your advert isn't just a dissemination of information. Your advert is an invitation for an individual to join and be an advocate of your community and mission. It is an invitation for someone to give their skills and insight to your organisation and in return be invested into. Therefore these are some helpful pointers for writing a good advert.