We are a Christian charity providing a lifeline for vulnerable young people across Guildford Borough. Established for over 22 years, we are dedicated to working with young people, helping them to improve their lives, and for young people, catalysing change by nurturing, inspiring, connecting and empowering them.
Every year Matrix serves 1000’s of young people in schools and the community, making a tangible difference to their lives. Partnering with young people, local organisations, churches, schools and the community we help young people make the most of their lives and become active citizens in their communities.
We offer services as part of Mindworks Surrey, the children and young people’s emotional wellbeing and mental health service, and are a founding partner of the Surrey Wellbeing Partnership, a joint venture of local and national charities of various sizes with a common goal: to work with children and young people in the community to improve wellbeing and mental health so that they can live full, fun and confident lives.
Allen House Pavilion, Eastgate Gardens,
United Kingdom