Trustee - treasurer
By joining the board of SAT-7 UK you will enable SAT-7 to continue to make and broadcast transforming Christian TV programmes. God is using SAT-7 to bring about change, through a role on the SAT-7 UK board of trustees you can help make a lasting impact on the lives of millions.
SAT-7 UK is a registered charity (no 1060612) which seeks to see a growing Church in the Middle East and North Africa, confident in Christian faith and witness, serving the community and contributing to the good of society and culture. SAT-7 UK is part of an international Christian media ministry. Through our partnership with SAT-7 International, we are bringing life-changing joy to the people of the Middle East & North Africa through powerful, faith-filled television and digital media programmes, supported in the UK through mobilising prayer, raising SAT-7’s profile, generating financial support and fostering a deeper understanding and engagement.
Its board of Trustees are responsible for the overall governance, monitoring and strategic direction of the charity to ensure that the charity fulfils the objects defined in its articles and acts in accordance with the charity’s vision and mission, and in compliance with all legal and regulatory requirements. The trustees have delegated the overall management of the charity to the CEO. The CEO has recruited a staff team with specific responsibility for implementing strategy.
Meetings of the trustees are held quarterly and are used to review progress, set objectives, establish policies, as well as other issues of relevance.
Role Description – Treasurer to the Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees recognise that charity governance is a balanced relationship between the employed staff; the Chief Executive, Executive Leadership team, and the Board of Trustees. Together they are responsible for directing the affairs of the charity, ensuring that it is solvent, well-run, and delivering the intended charitable benefits.
A key role in the effective governance of the financial affairs is that of the Treasurer among the charity Trustees. While financial matters are the responsibility of all Trustees, the Treasurer takes special responsibility for all aspects of the charity’s financial management and reporting.
An overview of the role of Treasurer is:
monitor the financial administration of the charity and report to the Board of Trustees, in compliance with the governing document.
oversee the charity’s financial risk-management process;
act as a counter signatory per the bank mandate; and
provide board-level liaison with the external auditors on specific issues such as the Auditors’ Management Letter and the related board representations.
In addition to the normal responsibilities of a Trustee the Treasurer will:
oversee budgets, internal management accounts and annual financial statements before presentation to the Board of Trustees;
ensure that proper accounting records are kept, financial resources are properly invested and economically spent;
liaise with the Chief Executive and Operations Director as appropriate;
chair the Finance and General Purposes (FGP) committee and report back to the Trustees;
monitor and advise on the financial viability of the charity;
oversee the implementation of and monitor financial systems;
advise on the financial implications of the charity’s strategic plan;
To express an interest in becoming a Trustee at SAT-7 UK, please provide a CV with a covering email explaining your relevant skills and experience and why you wish to become a member of SAT-7 UK’s board. Please submit for the attention of Rachel Fadipe
There is no closing date for applications at this time. Each application is considered when received and considered against the current skills gaps of the board of trustees. Trustees are selected to utilise their specific skills and experience. The skills of potential trustees are therefore taken into consideration before appointment to ensure that a diversity of skills (including finance, marketing and fundraising), experience and Christian traditions are represented on the board. Prospective candidates will be interviewed by the existing trustees and the CEO and are selected by nomination and a vote by the board.
Should you have any questions or wish to informally discuss the position with the Chair of Trustees, in the first instance please contact SAT-7 UK CEO Rachel Fadipe by emailing